The Garis Group shares information on the $150k instant asset write-off which has now been extended for 6 months

COVID-19 | $150k instant asset write-off extended for 6 months

The $150,000 instant asset write-off has now been extended until the end of the year as the government looks to spur businesses to invest. The instant asset write-off threshold of $150,000 for businesses with an aggregated turnover of less than $500 million will now be extended to 31 December 2020. The extension, estimated to cost $300 million…
HomeBuidler: What is it and How do you access it?

HomeBuilder: What is it and how do you access it?

The Government has announced grants of $25,000 to encourage people to build a new home or substantially renovate their existing home. The HomeBuilder scheme targets the residential construction market by providing tax-free grants of $25,000 to eligible owner-occupiers, including first home buyers, to build a new home or substantially renovate their existing home. The grants…
Imminent Workplace & ATO Targets for 2021

Imminent Workplace & ATO Targets for 2021

What’s changing on 1 July? Company tax rate reduces to 26% for base rate entities $150k instant asset write-off scheduled to reduce back to $1,000 for small business entities and will no longer be available for entities with aggregated annual turnover of $10m or more, although accelerated depreciation rules apply to certain entities until 30…
JobKeeper to address service entities: Josh Frydenberg

COVID-19 | Special Purpose Service Entities Now Included in JobKeeper Scheme

Corporate groups that employ staff in a service entity will now be included in the JobKeeper scheme under a yet-to-be-announced alternate decline in turnover test. Revealed by Treasurer Josh Frydenberg on Friday night, the government will now provide an alternate decline in turnover test for the eligibility of special purpose service entities that provide employee…
COVID-19 Australias Major Banks agree to 'Bridging Finance" for JobKeeper Payment

COVID-19 | Major Banks Agree to Provide ‘Bridging Finance’ to Help Businesses

Businesses will be given a leg up by Australia’s major banks through sped-up loans to cover upfront staff wages before the ATO reimburses the $1,500 per fortnight JobKeeper payment each month. Treasurer Josh Frydenberg has announced that Australia’s four major banks have now agreed to provide “bridging finance” to help businesses pay their employees before…
ATO issues further guidance for sole traders, trusts, partnerships, companies

COVID-19 | Job Keeper Payment: Further Guidance for Sole Traders, Trusts, Partnerships & Companies

Guidance around JobKeeper eligibility for sole traders and businesses that operate in the form of a company, trust or partnership has now been updated by the ATO. In an ATO update on Thursday, such entities will be eligible if they carried on a business in Australia on 1 March 2020; satisfied the fall in turnover…
Empty Office space due to coronavirus

COVID-19 | Small & Medium Businesses Granted Rental Waivers and Deferrals

Small and medium businesses will now be granted rental waivers and deferrals under a mandatory Code of Conduct unveiled by Prime Minister Scott Morrison. Under the Code of Conduct, landlords will be required to reduce rent proportionate to the trading reduction in the tenant’s business caused by the coronavirus pandemic through a combination of waivers…
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